his own justice department. the other issue i think about the school boards is, he was saying that he didn t himself have a meeting with the white house about the school board meetings or that he didn t consult with the national school board association before he wrote that letter, and that s five days from the department of justice and the attorney general himself. he said he didn t know if anybody else on the department of justice was coordinating with the white house and the national school board association and that s just not good enough. i don t understand why he doesn t come armed with data and information or at least an assistant who can prompt him, and i can prompt you in other arenas. that just seems pointless and these hearings and not be held accountable. john: it s pretty clear as well miranda that the action in terms of the memo from the attorney general to the fbi came
you know my community of boulder, colorado, experienced a chart comic horrific tragedy as a gunman killed ten people at a local grocery store using it ar-15 style pistol which fired modified arm rounds at the pistol brace. the pistol brace allowed the ute shooter to fire an easily concealable pistol with a rifle like accuracy and firepower. an immediate aftermath of this tragedy as you know, i sent the letter to the president and apartment of justice along with 100 of my colleagues requesting that administration use its authority to regulate concealable assault style firearms that fire rifle rounds. when we last met at the white house in april i was pleased with the administration s announcement that the doj would be issuing a proposed rule within 60 days to tighten regulations on pistol stabilizing braces, and i want to thank the department. applying this to the status of the rule of where we are in the rule making process. i believe we are still in the
and may 4th 2021 under oath before its congressional committee dr. anthony fauci denied the institute of health providing any funding for gain-of-function research showing that it categorically was not done. today this very day, they suggest that dr. fauci may have committed perjury. this is a criminal offense and i m left to wonder if you intend to look into that and send a communication such as a letter or a memo similar to the octobed regarding parents going to school board meetings to investigate dr. fauci s potential perk perjury. i will comment pending or on pending. that would normally come with a referral from the relevant committee and, at the actual
why did you choose to use your time to ask and not? i want to have sent a letter in the past to department of justice and now i have asked the attorney general in person and also sent another letter. i think it s important that this artwork scammed is going on is fully investigated and the american people know what is going on. i started out my questioning by showing the attorney general a monet that was worth approximately $700,000, a decor that was worth about $500,000 and then a hunter biden with about $500,000. it s absolutely ridiculous to think that this man can sell artwork for any other reason then his dad is the president of the united states. have that conflict with having the political appointees and justice department make decisions like this so a special is warranted. this is the same guy who received $50,000 per month from the ukrainian oligarch to serve on the energy board of directors
months later the d.o.j. opposes it. september 29th political organization asks president biden to involve the f.b.i. in local school board issues and five days later the department of justice does just that. mr. attorney general was it just a coincidence your memo came five days after the national school board association letter went to the president? we are concerned about violence and threats of violence across the board against school officials, against any connection with the school board letter and five days later your memo to regarding school board issues? obviously the letter, which was public and asked for assistance from the justice department, was brought to our attention and it is a relevant factor. who gave you the letter? who gave it to you? i read about the letter in the news. that s how i read about it. did the white house tell you to write the memo? no one in the white house spoke to me about the memo at