1. Thousands celebrate ‘interdependence’ at 50th Rainbow Family Gathering (with video) The Adams Park trailhead in Routt National Forest is usually signified by a brown and yellow sign similar to those seen on public lands.
National Rainbow Incident Management Team public information officer Hilary Markin reported that U.S. Forest Service law enforcement officers have issued 91 enforcement actions through Monday, June 27, to attendees at the 50th anniversary Rainbow Gathering.
STEAMBOAT SPRINGS National Rainbow Incident Management Team Public Information Officer Hilary Markin reported that U.S. Forest Service law enforcement officers have issued 91 enforcement actions through Monday, June 27, to attendees at the 50th anniversary.
The temporary closure of recreation in the California Park area in north Routt County alleviates some concerns for environmental and wildlife organizations, but leaders remain cautious about possible environmental impacts from the 50th anniversary Rainbow.