spill cleanup at the government s national oceanic and atmospheric association revealed the government has a plan to deal with oil spills that was not activated even though it was preapproved for immediate use. they had preapproval. the whole reason the plan was created was so we could pull the trigger right away instead of waiting 10 days to get permission. the white house is now saying that this spill may jeopardize plans eight announced for offshore drilling. i knew it wouldn t take long to politicize the issue. joining me the author of a new cook new book called power grab. guys welcome. back to this guy, his comments are even more devastating than that he said they probably didn t have the materials on hand to conduct the burn because the plan was, which they had prey proved they could burn this oil off so it
companies take care of these spills first. the noaa guy who gave that quote ought to be fired and the new york times doesn t know what they are talking. the 1999 access while the oil companies are responsible for the cost the federal government wrong. i negotiated the language. you and the new york time have an argument for the first time. you are right in that negotiation the congress agreed sean: the government had a responsibility to step in early moments knowing it was 1,000 barrels. they were slow the right hand didn t seem to know what the left hand was doing. janet napolitano s homeland security people didn t know what the department of defense might or not might be able to do. terribly slow. clearly nobody understood the scale of it. i do not an grow for the second the government should have had anything to do with it. the president on the ninth
companies take care of these spills first. the noaa guy who gave that quote ought to be fired and the new york times doesn t know what they are talking. the 1999 access while the oil companies are responsible for the cost the federal government wrong. i negotiated the language. you and the new york time have an argument for the first time. you are right in that negotiation the congress agreed sean: the government had a responsibility to step in early moments knowing it was 1,000 barrels. they were slow the right hand didn t seem to know what the left hand was doing. janet napolitano s homeland security people didn t know what the department of defense might or not might be able to do. terribly slow. clearly nobody understood the scale of it. i do not an grow for the second the government should have had anything to do with it.
sean: i got better security at my home in case beckel tries to come at me. we gotten days, nine to 10 days before the administration responds on the oil situation. we have this guy from the noaa saying in is unconscionable they a plan that was preapproved. they would burn off the oil and the administration didn t do it. criticism coming from the new york time. criticism coming from the sierra club that obama s response to the oil spill was worse than katrina. new york time he s slow to act on disaster. obama gets a lot of money from the bp bob, any connection? i listened to horner your guest and the new york times has no idea what they are talking about. number one, you couldn t burn off the oil because you were still looking for bodies out there. secondly, we negotiated this after the valdez. i was involved with negotiating with the congress of the united states, oil