Entire waterfront is really the modern way of looking at development, as well as space activation which, as you know is one of the things were trying to do at the wharf in the publics face. Anyway, that is why am here today. Thank you, diane, and commissioners of the port. Thank you. Alice walters. Good afternoon. I am trying desperately. [inaudible] i am here wearing two hats. We had the pleasure of having diane, and half present the waterfront plan update last night, to our community. I have to say, being able to present, they really focus on the goals and the values of the plan doing that was a conjunction with the runup of the rfps, the first of which are going to be in our subarea. Really brought the plan home to the community, so that they can understand what all of those hundreds of recommendations actually meant on the ground to them. I think it was incredibly valuable for the community, and it also, the three years, i think, that you all invested in really paid off. The commun
Please ensure you have silenced yourself owns an electronic devices. Your completed speaker cards a copy of documents should be cemented to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the september 19th, 2019, board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Thank you. Since item number one was sponsored by supervisor brown, along with supervisor safai, we will skip that one until she gets here. Lets move to item number two. Item number two is an ordinance amending the campaigning government conduct code to increase the matching ratio for Campaign Contributions raised by candidates participating in the Financing Program and the amount of public Funds Available for those candidates. Thank you. Welcome, supervisor brown. We skipped to item number two. I just wanted to make some opening remarks. I am incredibly excited to bring this ordinance before this committee today. In 2019, with our democratic norms and values under assault every day, it has never been more important for us
Im joined by supervisor aaron peskin and supervisor vallie brown who will be joining us shortly, and we are also joined by supervisor safai. Thank you to the committees clerk. I would also like to thank San Francisco government tv staff for staffing. Mr. Clerk, do you have any announcements . Thank you. Please ensure you have silenced yourself owns an electronic devices. Your completed speaker cards a copy of documents should be cemented to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the september 19th, 2019, board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Thank you. Since item number one was sponsored by supervisor brown, along with supervisor safai, we will skip that one until she gets here. Lets move to item number two. Item number two is an ordinance amending the campaigning government conduct code to increase the matching ratio for Campaign Contributions raised by candidates participating in the Financing Program and the amount of public Funds Available for those candida
Mr. Chairman, board members, supervisors, thank you for the opportunity to present and thank you for your support of this. In 19309, 80 years ago, a Charter Amendment came in which was 16. 85 creating something for Police Officers. In that same year, the legislator in the state of california created a heart presumption that applies throughout the state. Over the years, these last 80 years, the presumption containing in the labor code has changed numerous times. The presumption contained in our own administrative code has changed not once. We are asking simply that the administrative code parallel the code that applies for all Public Police officers and firefighters in the state of california so they are similar. Here is an example as to what the change would amount to. Supposing a San Francisco firefighter or Police Officer with 25 years of service was out on the job and in pursue of their own employment, they suffered a heart attack. This firefighter or Police Officer, because of the
Ladies and gentlemen, the chair has called this meeting to order. Please silence all electronic devices. Please rise for the pledge of allegiance. I pledge of allegiance to the flag, of the United States of america. To the republic, for which it stands. One nation, under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. [roll call] commissioner, you have a quorum. Also present as chief William Scott of the San Francisco Police Department. And the chief of staff Sarah Hawkins in place of director Paul Henderson from the department of Police Account ability. Thank you. Good evening everyone, this is the august, august 7, 2019 meeting of the San Francisco Police Agenda Police Commission. Adoption of minutes. For the meeting of june 2017 and july 10, 2019. Any discussion . Do we need Public Comments on this . Seeing none. Public comments are closed. Please call for a vote. [roll call] all in favor . It carried unanimously. Line item to, consent calendar. Receive and file; action. Sfpd dpa