My father died on Flight 93: Here s how to honor other heroes as 9/11 anniversary nears Jody Greene UP NEXT
For nearly each of the past 20 years, my family has visited the Flight 93 National Memorial in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, to commemorate the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and to remember my father, Donald Greene, a passenger aboard Flight 93.
I’ll never forget our visits to Shanksville in the first years after 2001. They were trips punctuated by long bus rides flanked by waving flags, quiet walks across a muddy field, and chain-link fences filled with tributes to the heroes.
Years later, our trips now include visits to the Flight 93 National Memorial and its Visitor Center, which has made the area vastly more accessible to tens of thousands of visitors. Motorcyclists on their annual pilgrimage stand beside families on road trips, international tourists, and family members like me, each of us with our own unique under