Cases that deters access to justice and the terrors some of the important things i referenced. You are correct that courthouses have not been on the sensitive list. I know that some months ago i. C. E. Determined to put courthouses in a special category of serving him some sort of special treatment. I agree that courthouses are special places in the nature of the church but i can readily see for reasons of Public Safety why any Law Enforcement officer would feel compelled to take action with regard to an individual in a courthouse. Ive asked our folks to better develop an exception with regard to courthouses. Thank you mr. Secretary. We have also talked about customs and border in terms of overtime inspections related to agriculture. The port of wellington and many of the ports have folks who would like to pay overtime so wenhold shiploads arrive they can get inspections in a timely fashion and this is subject to a very complicated interagency budgetary issue. My understanding is that
National Security Intelligence resources for our government . We can develop a common strategy and i dont believe its complicated and its one of the items on my agenda. I will follow up with you on that and our next senator recognized a senator sessions. Thank you mr. Chairman. We are having a humanitarian disaster. Theres no doubt about that and the humanitarian disasters caused by a legal disaster. Your leadership and the president s leadership has failed to send a clear message throughout the world that you can only come to the United States lawfully. You cannot calm unlawfully. In fact you have sent a message that conveys just the opposite. Its unbelievable that the top Law Enforcement officer of our country is doing such a thing. You have been sued by your own officers or at least her predecessor for not allowing them to follow their oath to enforce the law. Under your leadership it seems to have gotten worse secretary johnson. You and i talked about it. I expressed my concern. I
Ago they built the fence. There was violence and drugs. Afterwards, both sides of the border are prospering. The lawlessness ended at that time and we have done better. Have you . Just ask you this. You did not say in her testimony today and nothing i have seen in your recording states is a clear message to the world i must not come illegally to america. Have you said that any time recently . I have told my staff we need to consider all options to deal with this situation. I rule nothing out that is lawful. I want to know about every option. Here in el salvador newspaper, the headline is extension of suspension of deportation. You extended the suspension of deportation. Secretary johnson. Almost all agree that a child that crosses the border with their parents 3waswas not making an adult choice and should be treated differently from adult violators i still agree with that. It goes on to say the administration of president obama is suspending deportation. Here another Central American n
Kind of breakdown from you. I would like to request well, one of the things that i learned from my department of defense experience is clear guidance in is indispensable. You dont issue clear guidance to the field and the how it is implemented is not going to look at all like what you intended. D. O. D. , whatever they issue new guidance, they always socialize, train to it the field and down the chain of command and so i spent a lot of time talking to our work force about how to better implement policy changes that are issued in washington, out of associate how to verbalize them and im determined to do a better job in that regard. Good. My understanding is that under the programs, some 500,000 young people have come forward to participate. They are now many of them are now in the renewal process. I believe. Because it has to be renewed every two years. I understand that the department, your department, is suggesting that applicants apply for renewal up to four months before the expirat
Unaccompanied alien marine minors at our southern borders. The number of minors coming to our country has climbed from 6,000 in 2011 to an expected 145,000 next year. Some are calling it a humanitarian crisis. And quite frankly, it is. These, of course, are vulnerable children. They are being guided through deserted areas of adjoining countries with their lives on the line. They are escorted with strangers away from family in some cases, not knowing what lies ahead. Theres a massive potential for these children to be abused, and if the administration doesnt do its Due Diligence to verify the relative or parental relationship when it releases these children, then, of course, those same children could be put in the hands of pimps or traffickers. Children are being lured into these dire circumstances, quite frankly, by false promises. The administration has refused to be serious about Immigration Reform. Its got a policy of just get to the answer yes. And thats a philosophy that has sent