SAN DIEGO, Calif. – Grappling with a rise in maritime smuggling in recent years off Southern California, Coast Guard Sector San Diego officials have reached out to the tech industry for ideas and products that will close gaps in and expand maritime domain awareness. “We’ve faced a major increase in smuggling,” Capt. Tim Barelli, commander […]
US Navy SUITLAND, Md. – Rear Adm. Gene Price (left) relieved Rear Adm. Kelly Aeschbach (right) as commander, Office of Naval Intelligence, in a change of command ceremony May 3 at the National Maritime Intelligence Center in Suitland, Md. Vice Adm. Jeffrey Trussler (center), deputy chief of naval operations for Information Warfare and director of Naval Intelligence, was the presiding officer. ONI Change of Command The Office of Naval Intelligence held a change of command ceremony May 3 at the National Maritime Intelligence Center where Rear Adm. Kelly Aeschbach transferred command to Rear Adm. Gene Price.
Rear Adm. Gene Price relieved Rear Adm. Kelly Aeschbach as commander Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) in a change-of-command ceremony at the National Maritime Intelligence Center in Suitland, Md. Aeschbach will serve as the next commander, Naval Information Forces (NAVIFOR) in Suffolk, Va.