PUTRAJAYA, May 31 Prof Azlinda Azman has been appointed as the new Higher Education director-general effective today until May 30, 2025, the Higher Education Ministry (KPT).
PUTRAJAYA: Prof Dr Azlinda Azman (pic) has been appointed as the new Higher Education director-general effective Wednesday (May 31) until May 30, 2025, the Higher Education Ministry announced.
Read online at https://workersliberty.org/node/36741
Rally against council cuts, 23 February Submitted by AWL on 2 February, 2021 - 5:43
The Lambeth branch of the public services union Unison has called a meeting to bring together activists across local government unions, community campaigns and the Labour Party to discuss stopping local government cuts looming in the 2021-2 budget year. Tuesday 23 February 2021, 19:00, on Zoom; more details here.