The kept going back to wages are going to decrease if you become right to work, youll hurt the worker. We said, no, thats not true at all. We showed that wages increase at a higher rate when youre in a right to work state. The other thing we ran into was, Companies Want to move to right to work states because they want to pay people less. So that was interesting. So they were saying that, you know, Site Selectors, we know who they are, what they do, this is one of almost their standard questions is, are you a right to work state, are you not. And theres plenty of companies who have moved to states that they have specifically said were going here because this is a key component to it. So what we did is, we said businesses dont go to right to work states because they want to pay less, because again, the statistics dont back that up. Companies go to right to work states because theres more flexibility in the workplace, and because their workers can be more efficient. And again, we brought
Yes . Hi, russell, a law student. My question is to the government official. The issue is about conflict of law and the situation where some Tech Companies may find themselves when they have to comply with a foreign law to hand over data, but that would bring them into conflict with u. S. Laws that basically would make them liable for breaking u. S. Laws. How do you do this where Tech Companies are doing business globally and have to comply with multiple standards and laws . How does the doj address this iss issue, or what are your views . Its a really good question, and its a question companies are facing more and more every day. I guess the point i would make generally on that issue is thats much broader than really encryption or even going dark. Our companies today face those choice of law conflicts when theyre operating in a foreign jurisdiction. And so the Companies Work tlou those issues. Sometimes they have to do something specific to a company. It will depend on the specific la
They came at different stages in their lives. Some were admitted as children, others as adults, yet they all turned their back on this country after being welcomed here as refugees. So this is not made up. Its a real problem. The American People want some action. Theyd like to see congress and this administration respond effectively. And they are rightly angered and upset with their elected representatives and their president for the not taking sufficient action. So i, along with my colleague, senator shelby and others in the house, asked for the inclusion of specific language in this omnibus bill that would protect the interests of the American People, that would reassert the constitutional role of congress in establishing a uniform system of immigration that would require the identification of offsetting cuts in federal spending to pay for the refugee admission program. But none of that was included in the omnibus bill. I doubt they ever spent a minute looking at the letter from two
Brian will come back to Corpus Christi as we wait the judges official decision. Tonight, on cbs it begins with 60 minutes and pope francis is close his american advisor by a new big brother, madam secretary and its only on cbs. Lets great what we saw here today. Virgil we saw a great fight. Brian big right hand by dirrell. Virgil rubio is in this fight. Hes hurt. Brian big right hand by dirrell. There is another righthand. Three punch combination by dirrell. Thats how you close a show here in texas. Brian the judges official decision is in and lets find out who won this fight. Ladies and gentlemen for the official decision we go to our judges. They all see the fight exactly the same. One hundred90 with win by unanimous decision, anthony the dog dirrell. [cheers and applause] brian no surprise as it dirrell wins with unanimous decision as we take a look at our applebees official scoring, but first brent stover with the winner. Brent anthony, after what you just did, do you feel like you
Here on cbs. Brian will come back to Corpus Christi as we wait the judges official decision. Tonight, on cbs it begins with 60 minutes and pope francis is close his american advisor by a new big brother, madam secretary and its only on cbs. Lets great what we saw here today. Virgil we saw a great fight. Brian big right hand by dirrell. Virgil rubio is in this fight. Hes hurt. Brian big right hand by dirrell. There is another righthand. Three punch combination by dirrell. Thats how you close a show here in texas. Brian the judges official decision is in and lets find out who won this fight. Ladies and gentlemen for the official decision we go to our judges. They all see the fight exactly the same. One hundred90 with win by unanimous decision, anthony the dog dirrell. [cheers and applause] brian no surprise as it dirrell wins with unanimous decision as we take a look at our applebees official scoring, but first brent stover with the winner. Brent anthony, after what you just did, do you