EDITOR: I look forward to listening to the budget debate every year and would like to be rewarded with a spirited, lively discourse on realistic expectations for this financial year. Our parliament is not a rum shop and measures must be put in place to ensure that in the future we operate in the finest traditions of Western Democracies. Firstly, we need a commitment from the Speaker to be fair. …
LEADER OF THE Parliamentary Opposition, Dr Godwin Friday has expressed concerns about the depletion of the finances of the National Insurance Services (NIS) of St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG).
Higher financial support for the various stakeholders involved at the community level with the National Nine Mornings Festival is the aim of the National Nine Mornings Committee for 2023.
EDITOR: The Black Wall Street of St Vincent and the Grenadines has been destroyed. Demolished. Decimated. Desecrated. Eventually. I’d seen it coming. I’ve been sounding a warning. Unfortunately, too many are not taking heed. The warning! Black entrepreneurship in St Vincent and the Grenadine is under siege. The “bewitched Portuguese knee” remains firmly planted on its neck. “I can’t breathe” is the perennial cry of the Vincentian black entrepreneur. The …