And the nation. In 1943, bill was born in brooklyn to nancy walsh and robert bennett. His lifelong appreciation for the power of knowledge began to take shape while a student in washington, d. C. From there, his educational path will lead him to williams massachusetts. The university of texas austin, where he earned his phd in philosophy. Eventually, harvard university, where he earned his law degree. Bill began to invest in the education of the next generation through teaching positions at the university of southern mississippi and boston university. He then joined the National Humanities center, where he championed philosophy, history, and the arts. He became the executive director of the institution in 1979. It was there he met elaine glover, the woman who would become his best friend and wife. In 1980 five, after he served four years as the National Endowment for the humanities, president Ronald Reagan appointed him secretary of education. This calling to Public Service resonated w
Please welcome our guests to the stage. Please welcome our guests. Ladies and gentlemen, founder of freedom and faith coalition. [applause] have you had a fun conference . [applause] hasnt this been fun . [applause] we arent done yet. We are about to have the Vice President of the United States close out the conference. [applause] before we do that, can i ask everyone to stand and i want to him to lead our invocation. Now listen people pay heed to the call of prayer. Lift up your minds to the most high, your hearts to be lower lord of hosts. Praise the wonders of the lord. Thank him for all he provides. God to you we oh offer our petitions. Like a mustard seed increase our faith that we may stand firm in the truth. Give us strength against our foes and eloquence to persuade them. For license to do wrong but for freedom to do what is right. Tyranny of from the desperates. Release us from the shackles of oppression. You have poured your blessings upon america. May we be a light to the na
Welcome to this session, which is a debate we think on the topic of lincoln and his generals and i am Glenn Lafantasie from Professor Emeritus from Western Kentucky University wrti and Bowling Green and we have with us this morning a distinguished panel i, i regret to say that one of our panelists took ill and lauren foote will not be joining us this morning. But shes at home recuperating fighting with many regrets that cant be here. But let me go ahead and introduce our panelists for you and you have longer biographies of these people in your packets. But i thought id go ahead and introduce people anyway. And to my immediate right is. Ken. No. He is the drawn of southern history at auburn here received his doctorate. Doctorate from, the university of illinois. His most recent book is, the howling storm, whether and the american civil war. He is currently writing about the idea and the realities of Abraham Lincoln as a commander in chief to his right Harold Holzer who all of you im sur
Are monvar i and overfell beveled rummel in africa. Said kim this man was an nco with rummel in the africa corps. They still had that much pride in rumble as a man. And serving with him and under him. And the nazis poof but in. Good evening, everyone. I believe we have a very nice, very, very nice audience tonight. I think perhaps the largest audience weve had since precovid. So welcome to tonights program. Only truly iconic figures of the 20th century american history. The long time fbi director j. Edgar hoover, a special. I suppose its not surprising that in a series titled great lives, the term iconic often comes up to the point of being somewhat trite, perhaps. But in this case, particularly, i think its appropriate because there are few figures to whom that description applies more properly. I agree that the j. Edgar hoover, for people of a certain generation, the man and i believe many of yours as well known, i dont mean to insult you, but yeah, no name in our earlier years was m
An organization founded in 1979 with four core organizational goals to establish a Network Among membership to promote black women in the profession, to disseminate information and opportunities in the field, and to suggestions concerning Research Topics and repositories we are organized and has grown from a handful of women in the 1970s to an organization that counts hundreds of members. We stand on the shoulders of our founders as we come together to share our work with one another, to fellowship, and to remind other why we have all chosen to dedicate our to correcting the narrative, to telling their stories and, to save their names. I have the honor of serving as the moderator of todays conversation. With three Living Legends jesus. Pioneering and historians of black women. Sit with us today. Our conference is shining threads and heavy loads where we and when we exhale black women making history and all attempt introduce each of these iconic who have left indelible marks on the fiel