Tens of thousands of people in South Africa are homeless and living on the street. They too have rights, a stake in our democracy and a right to vote. This photo essay traces the quest for dignity, recognition and enfranchisement of a group of homeless people in Durban. Tens of thousands of peo.
On Monday, the University of Pretoria’s Unit for Street Homelessness in partnership with the Tshwane Homelessness Forum and the National Homeless Network launched the Tshwane Homeless Manifesto. On Monday the University of Pretoria’s Unit for Street Homelessness in partnership with the Tshw.
World Homeless Day is an opportunity to reflect on how we understand an important social issue and what action our consciences and humanity require of us.
OPINION: We believe that the demands of this National Homeless Manifesto will be good for homeless men and women, and they were developed in part in consultation with people directly affected, writes Raymond Perrier.