Ram Navami, Ramadan, Easter, and Passover are all holidays that happen in April. Get ready to celebrate spring and all of the holidays and observances you can this month.
Local Racehorse Looking to be Adopted
But what happens when a racehorse retires?
One local former racehorse is looking for a new home.
Monday was National Help a Horse Day, where abused and neglected horses are recognized, and a local horse rescue put out a call for help.
Roanchar Ranch Draft Horse Rescue in Varysburg is looking for help with one of their charges, Louie.
“Louie is a very very happy go lucky horse, he loves people, he loves life, said Lida Mosovich Ellsworth, the President and Founder of the ranch.
“When he started limping around he started to withdraw, he wouldn’t come out and see people, he wouldn’t come out of the barn so then we knew he was in pain,” said Mosovich Ellsworth.
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04/26/2021 10:00 AM EDT
Editor’s Note: Weekly Agriculture is a weekly version of POLITICO Pro’s daily Agriculture policy newsletter, Morning Agriculture. POLITICO Pro is a policy intelligence platform that combines the news you need with tools you can use to take action on the day’s biggest stories. Act on the news with POLITICO Pro. (
Spoiler my personal favorite is National Unicorn day. (April 9th.) I got my list from National Today.
If you love random food, animals and people. This month is perfect for you!
1st. April Fools Day. Lets be honest this is a really weird way to start a month!
2nd. Walk to Work Day. Seems like a weird thing to tell people to do.
3rd. Find A Rainbow Day. Well hopefully it rains on this day in particular.
4th. Hug A Newspersons Day. I wonder who came up with this.
5th. Read A Road Map Day. Nice try map creators we see what you re doing.