And well start with announcements. Clerk this meeting is being held in hybrid format, and available on view on zoom, or listen to by calling 16699006833 using meeting id 8365104838839. Before we begin, i would like to remind all individuals present and attending the meeting today that our health and safety protocols and safety rules must be adhered to at all times. We welcome the participation during Public Comment periods. There will be an opportunity at the beginning of the meeting and there will be an opportunity to comment on each discussion or action item on agenda item. Each is limited to 3 minutes. Public comment will be taken inperson and remote. First from people attending inperson and then from meeting attending the meeting remotely. For those attending inperson, please fill out a speaker card located at the podium or, state your name and any affiliations and then your comment. You will have three minutes. Once finished please hand your speaker card to secretary behind the po