Found out within the last matter of moments that this News Conference is now more likely to happen at 4 30 than 3 45. We of course will be watching. When were done talking to you, were going to walk inside to Gillette Stadium where they already only have a standing room only crowd. Brady was supposed to speak tomorrow, chose to speak today. Their hope is they can put this thing to rest. We had a chance to speak to several people who have opinions of this who played within the league including a longtime nfl player i spoke to just moments ago. Ill grab a football quickly. He tells me that in his years playing in the league, that he cant name a single quarterback who didnt in one form or another try to doctor the ball telling me that players would often their equipment managers would sometimes use strong horse hair type brushes or sand paper to make these balls a little easier to grip. We spoke to joe theisman the hall of fame quarterback. He picked up a ball that was legal and ball that