Latvia at the EFM and Berlinale 2023 - A coalition of the Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania is highlighted as Countries in Focus at the E.
07/02/2023 - A raft of new projects in the pipeline, two titles screening in the sidebars and the Series Market panel are some of the highlights of Latvia’s participation in the event
07/02/2023 - A raft of new projects in the pipeline, two titles screening in the sidebars and the Series Market panel are some of the highlights of Latvia’s participation in the event
RIGA: Ilze Kunga-Melgaile's historical drama Life Interrupted / Dzīve pārtraukta is currently in postproduction, after successfully wrapping the s.
RIGA: Latvian independent animation studio Atom Art is currently in preproduction with its second long project Born Happy / Laimīgie, a Latvian/Polish.