Across the country and around the world. Are you comfortable with the way the Trump Administration has handled this . Has the president done enough to stay ahead of the story . Let me just say this. As a member of congress, my focus is to make sure that we appropriate the necessary funds to provide the resources to our hospitals, to our local communities, to our states. I do not want to get into the politics of all this. I want to make sure we get this right. That is what i am focused on. Is the president getting it right . We need to make sure we get it right here. I have some concerns, but at this point we need to find common ground. We need to come together and provide the funds. That is what we do here in congress, and we can make judgments along the way. The Vice President is going to head up the effort to coordinate activities. We will all make our judgments as this unfolds. We had a briefing today in the house that was very, very informative. Again, i think what we need to be fo
Let me just say this. As a member of congress, my focus is to make sure that we appropriate the necessary funds to provide the resources to our hospitals, to our local communities, to our states. I do not want to get into the politics of all this. I want to make sure we get this right. That is what i am focused on. Is the president getting it right . We need to make sure we get it right here. I have some concerns, but at this point we need to find common ground. We need to come together and provide the funds. That is what we do here in congress, and we can make judgments along the way. The Vice President is going to head up the effort to coordinate activities. We will all make our judgments as this unfolds. We had a briefing today in the house that was very, very informative. Again, i think what we need to be focused on right now is making sure that we provide the necessary resources to our communities. From that briefing, congressman mcgovern, what is your main concern . Im concerned
The speaker the house will be in order. The prayer will be offered by the guest chaplain, pastor ethan magness, First Christian church, johnson city, tennessee. The chaplain let us pray. Gracious god. We come to you in need of your sovereign love for your power exceeds our human power. Your authority exceeds all human authority. Your government will stand when all human government have passed into history. We come to you in confession of our weakness and sin. For we have sought too often our own power. We have fought too selfishly for our own glory. We have clung too tightly to our desire and to our faction and our plan. We come to you seeking the strength to repent. Turn us to your wisdom instead of our own. Turn us to honesty instead of falsehood. Turn us to humility and service instead of pride and selfseeking. We come to you for a blessing. Like jacob, we cling to you and will not let go until you have blessed us for you are good and gracious and loving and in you we put our trust.
Mcgovern, the ranking republican member of oklahoma. They are joining us from the House Rules Committee and we will be talking some hearing taking place on tuesday in here in studio billy hounds and deputy editor. Thank you for joining us stop joining us. [no audio] my focus is to make sure we provide the necessary funds, so i dont want to get into the policy on this. Is the president getting it right . I have some concerns, but at this particular point, we need to come together and provide the judgmentswe can make along the way. , we will allident today. R judgment surenk the focus is making we provide necessary resources for our communities. What is your number one concern . I am concerned we still dont know a lot about the virus. Our constituents are protected and want to make sure hospitals have what they need, want to make sure the information is out also requires we make a substantial investment that we will do in a bipartisan way. In terms of the administration responsible for .
The world. Are you comfortable with the way the Trump Administration has handled . Has the president done enough to stay ahead of the story . Let me say this. As a member of congress, my focus is to make sure that we appropriate the necessary funds to provide the resources to our hospitals, local communities, states. We need to come together and provide the funds. We can make judgments along the way. The Vice President is the head of the effort to coordinate activities. We will make our judgments as this unfolds. We had a briefing today in the house that we found really informative. I think what we need to be focused on is making sure that we provide the necessary resources to our communities. From that briefing, what is your number one concern . Concerned that we still dont know a lot about the virus. I want to make sure our constituents are protected. They are a first line of defense. The funding level for the National Institute of health is up 40 in five years. Substantial increase