To testify this morning. Hes always been one of my heroes of the senate, he was one of the first people that i met when i got to washington, and after listening to a few of his debates when i can see terror in the face of his opponents, i actually got to sit down and visit with him about some critical issues. I was on the Banking Committee that he was the chairman of at the time and i learned a lot. And i wanted to specifically to have him here for a hearing because of his past experience, not while i was in the senate but before that when he worked with redmond and hallings and thats had a carryover effect on us today and that was kwielt a while ago so there need to be some revisions in it so well be relying on him and others who have chaired the Budget Committee to come up with solutions that will make it possible for us to kwul u actually get control of the budget while we improve the economy. So, senator grahams decades of experience serving as an elected official both in the house
To testify this morning. Hes always been one of my heroes of the senate, he was one of the first people that i met when i got to washington, and after listening to a few of his debates when i can see terror in the face of his opponents, i actually got to sit down and visit with him about some critical issues. I was on the Banking Committee that he was the chairman of at the time and i learned a lot. And i wanted to specifically to have him here for a hearing because of his past experience, not while i was in the senate but before that when he worked with redmond and hallings and thats had a carryover effect on us today and that was kwielt a while ago so there need to be some revisions in it so well be relying on him and others who have chaired the Budget Committee to come up with solutions that will make it possible for us to kwul u actually get control of the budget while we improve the economy. So, senator grahams decades of experience serving as an elected official both in the house
Welcome to the hearing on growth policies for the new administration. I want to thank senator gramm for agreeing to testify. He was one of the first people i met when i got to washington. When i could see terror in the face of his opponents, i actually got to sit down and visit with him about some critical issues. I was on the Banking Committee that he was the dharm of at the time and i learned a lot. And i wanted to have him here because his past experience, but before that, when he worked with r r redhan and holings to do specific stuff with the budget. Thats had a carry over effect. That was quite a while ago so, there need to be revisions in it, so well be relying on him and others who have chaired the Budget Committee to come up with some solutions that will make it more possible for us to get control of the budget while we improve the economy. Senator gramms decades of experience serving in the house and senate, both as a democrat and as a republican, not at the same time, of cou
Senator sanders, whenever he makes it here well allow him do his opening statement. There was a vote this morning and im not sure exactly how it came out yet, but i know thats got quite a bit of interest over there, but they should be back here pretty quick. So good morning and welcome to our hearing on growth poole policies for the new administration. First i want to thank senator phil gramm for agreeing to testify this morning. Hes always been one of my heroes of the senate, he was one of the first people that i met when i got to washington, and after listening to a few of his debates when i can see terror in the face of his opponents, i actually got to sit down and visit with him about some critical issues. I was on the Banking Committee that he was the chairman of at the time and i learned a lot. And i wanted to specifically to have him here for a hearing because of his past experience, not while i was in the senate but before that when he worked with redmond and hallings and thats
A scathing report. It may be armor plated but takes courage to wear this outfit on the streets of afghanistan. The artist who did and what happened next. Hello, thanks for joining us. Two Police Officers in the Missouri City of ferguson have been shot as a protest outside the Police Station was drawing to a close. One officer was hit in the face the other in the shoulder. This attack happened during a demonstration taking place just a few hours after the Ferguson Police chief had resigned. This was after some heavy criticism of his force. It was in ferguson last august you remember that an unarmed black teenager was shot dead by a white Police Officer. Keith rose was among those involved in the protests he was an eyewitness to the shooting. I was behind the police when they were shot at. We had crossed behind the police line to bond some people out of jail who had been arrested an hour earlier. While we were waiting outside the jail we heard popping noise which appeared to be fireworks