Intuitive Eating is an anti-diet framework created by Elyse Resch and Evelyn Tribole. It revolves around changing the way we think about food and our bodies.
Eating disorders can manifest in many ways
Emily Marrison
This week I was asked to talk with a small group of students about resources related to eating disorders. Researching this topic was very eye-opening for me, so I wanted you to share this information with you as well.
There are three main types of eating disorders: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder (BED). The National Alliance on Mental Illness explains that people with eating disorders are preoccupied with food and weight issues to the point that they find it difficult to focus on other aspects of their lives. Those with anorexia deny themselves food to the point of self-starvation as they obsesses about weight loss. Very low food intake and inadequate nutrition cause a person to become very thin. There are two common subtypes of anorexia: binge-purge type and restrictive type.