Catching the eye earlier this week was an Associated Press article out of Denver headlined “Many Big U.S. Cities Now Answer Mental Health Crisis Calls with Civilian Teams – Not
The death of a man who was handcuffed after a mental health team was called and found him walking out into traffic last year has been ruled a homicide, according to an autopsy report released Wednesday by lawyers for his family.
Cases like Laquan McDonald in Chicago, George Floyd in Minneapolis, and the most recent, Patrick Lyoya in Michigan, have triggered the debate of when force by a law enforcement officer is necessary.
Cases like Laquan McDonald in Chicago, George Floyd in Minneapolis, and the most recent, Patrick Lyoya in Michigan, have triggered the debate of when force by a law enforcement officer is necessary.
The Pueblo Police Department received a grant from the U.S. Justice Department that will allow officers to receive additional training in de-escalating violent situations.