From time to time, the government truly does serve the people – and Tuesday was one of those times, as members of the County government, including commissioners, set up a
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. - The Association of Indiana Counties (AIC) and SRI, Inc. have named a local fourth-grader as the National County Government Week e.
St. Joseph County student wins district essay contest By: Maura Johnson Photo courtesy: Association of Indiana Counties
ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, Ind. – A local fourth grader is the National County Government Week essay contest winner for the Association of Indiana Counties’ Northwest District.
Charlotte Dvorak, a student at Kennedy Academy Elementary School, was selected over other fourth graders in the district for her essay based on the theme, “Examining the Administration of the Indiana Property Tax Process.”
Essays were judged based on how well students discussed the county’s role with property taxes.
Dvorak received $100 for winning the contest. Winners were chosen in each of the AIC’s six districts.