Central St. Matthew United Church of Christ Pastor Phil Brockett shares a prayer based on Psalm 16:5: The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot. and Psalm 16:6: The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; I have a goodly heritage. Later, Brockett recalled the Sunday he had Dr. Sutton share his story at church: I recall very clearly the Sunday your dad shared his life story in church. Several things came through to me. One was his quiet and constant faith - he took initiative and followed the path that was set before him. Along the way he did not let prejudice or the judgement of others deter him. Instead, difficulty and opposition fueled him. He kept his hand to the grindstone and kept working. It was as if his life path was not in his hands, although he very much contributed to and created his journey. As a result the boundary lines fell in pleasant places - look at the places he went and the things he accomplished and he truly has a