Whoever between Raila Odinga and William Ruto takes the presidency of this country after 9/8 must find the moral courage to finally break with a colonial legacy that has relegated thousands of our co-citizens to a life of unending misery and despair.
KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 5 The Malaysian Bar has reiterated its call for the enactment of political financing laws without further delay. In a statement, its president Karen Cheah.
JUNE 25 ― For many years, we have been told that there were plans underway to introduce a law on political funding to provide greater transparency amongst political parties and.
MARCH 3 ― As election season looms over the horizon, Malaysians are reminded on how money is deeply intertwined in the game through the nexus of business and politics. No doubt Malaysia requires reforms on many fronts, but if there is a priority list, depowering the influence of money on politics.