2017 with a fully formed federal Communications Commission as often seems to be the case, the senate takes their dear ever loving time to get things done but im pleased to see that the commission is back up to speed and ill tell you i am pleased that we have five members of this commission and they have different points of view to bring to the discussion on all things telecomrelated and i think thats healthy for the telecommunications and technology industry. And were here today to conduct oversight of the agency which is this subcommittees primary role. It is very important that we fulfill these obligations. Because we have given the fcc a Critical Mission and task to fulfill. From the commissionss Disaster Response efforts to supporting rural broad band to its efforts to streamline and modernize the regulatory environment, impacting some of the greatest recreators and innovators. Youre all doing important work and we appreciate what you do. One of the many jobs is to regulate broadca
Communications in the subcommittee on communications and technology will now come to order. And the chair recognizes herself for five minutes for an Opening Statement. And i do want to welcome each and every one of you. Obviously a hearing of interest as we have a full room in front of us. And it is our first hearing in 2017 with a fully formed federal Communications Commission as often seems to be the case, the senate takes their dear ever loving time to get things done, but im pleased to see that the commission is back up to speed and ill tell you i am pleased that we have five members of this commission and they have different points of view to bring to the discussion on all things telecom related. I think that is healthy for the telecommunications and technology industry. Were here today to conduct oversight of the agency which is this subcommittees primary role. It is very important that we fulfill these obligations because we have given the fcc a Critical Mission and critical tas
Communications in technology will now come to order and the chair recogs ins herself for five minutes for an Opening Statement and i do want to welcome each and everyone of you obviously a hearing of interest as we have a full room in front of us. And it is our first hearing in 2017 with a fully formed federal Communications Commission as often seems to be the case, the senate takes their dear ever loving time to get things done but im pleased to see that the commission is back up to speed and ill tell you i am pleased that we have five members of this commission and they have different points of view to bring to the discussion on all things telecomrelated and i think thats healthy for the telecommunications and technology industry. And were here today to conduct oversight of the agency which is this subcommittees primary role. It is very important that we fulfill these obligations. Because we have given the fcc a Critical Mission and task to fulfill. From the commissionss Disaster Res
Mr. Thornberry mentioned about ack which situation reform and making sure the system works better. I thank the chairman who has taken the lead on this issue. I think we have made significant improvements while acknowledging that we still have a long way to go to get the efficiency out of the pentagon budget. I think this bill does a great job supporting the troops and their families. Its basically the case we recruit a Service Member but you retain the family, and that means you have to provide for them. We support the 2. 5 pay raise in this bill and support the troops and their families in many different ways. This is a very good product. I also want to say, and i want to thank representative langevin on this issue. This bill states that Climate Change is a National Security threat. We make that the policy of the United States congress to acknowledge Climate Change and the impact that its going to have on our National Security. And representative langevin was tireless in making sure t
The chair notes the presence of a quorum. Committee meets today to consider and mark up h. R. 2010, the National Defense authorization act for fiscal year 2018. For 55 straight years, under congresses and president s of both parties, and annual ndaa has been signed into law. Im certain that this you will be no different. The members of this committee have an overwhelming commitment to the duty placed on us by the constitution to support the men and women who serve our nation in the military. Every member of this committee has contributed to this legislation. Committee member suggested 1531 separate legislative provisions for consideration in the marks. Over 330 amendments were filed for today. But members also contributed by asking thoughtful questions at our briefings and hearings, by traveling to visit our troops at home and overseas, by sharing their personal experiences and insights, and by talking with one another about how to solve problems. And so first i want to express my appr