Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday inaugurated two new Mumbai metro lines 2A and 7, a 35-km long elevated corridor stretching from Andheri to Dahisar, constructed at the cost of around Rs 12,600 crore. The Prime Minister also launched various development projects in Mumbai. PM Narendra Modi Inaugurates Two Lines of Mumbai Metro Stretching From Andheri to Dahisar, Other Development Projects.
It includes the Mumbai Metro Line 2A, also known as Yellow Line, connecting Dahisar East and D N Nagar is around 18.6 km long, while Mumbai Metro Line 7, having Red Line identification, connects Andheri East with Dahisar East is around 16.5 km long.
In line with the Centre s thrust on infrastructure development, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Karnataka and Maharashtra on Thursday to lay foundation stones and inaugurate various developmental projects.