Both of my parents were born in Holland at the tail end of World War I. By the time they were old enough to understand the things happening around them,
A hundred years ago, the U.S. Catholic bishops were insightful enough to realize there was a role for a news service to provide accurate information about the church, said Thomas Lorsung, retired director and editor-in-chief of Catholic News Service. And they were smart enough to see this should be put into the hands of professional journalists, he said in an interview. It wasn t a question of just having knowledge of theology, but knowing how to report on the workings of the church and ge
Everything old is news again.
Just as Jesus said, The poor you will have with you always, it seems as if the same news subjects, with different dimensions, keep cropping up over the past century.
Here we examine just four topics that have had staying power over the lifespan of CNS 100 years. The excerpts below are from stories published by Catholic News Service under its original name of NCWC News Service, which was founded in 1920 by the U.S. bishops National Catholic Welfare Council, lat
A century ago, Catholic News Service began helping a burgeoning Catholic press to report on church activities around the globe. And 100 years later, CNS had the same goals to serve its client news outlets by reporting fully, fairly and freely on the church in the world today.