DIMAPUR A total of 239 jobseekers participated in the job fair, which was jointly organised by National Career Services Centre for SC/ST, Kohima, District Employment Exchange, Dimapur, and National Career Service Centre for Differently Abled-Dimapur, was held at the office of the District Employment Exchange in Dimapur on Thursday. The primary objective of the job fair was to facilitate employment opportunities for unemployed youth of the state. The district employment exchange officer, Kahoto Zhimomi, informed Eastern Mirror that a total of 239 participants including 144 male and 95 female attended the job fair. He also informed that similar job fairs would be organised four times a year. It was informed that today’s event was the second job fair conducted as part of the initiative. A total of five companies participated in the selection process. The companies included Emporium Skills Training Institute for aviation and hospitality, Talent Acquaintance for service (150 vacanci
Job fair for National Career Services Center for SC/ST Kohima, with the district employment exchange from Dimapur and National Career Service Centre for differently abled-Dimapur was jointly organised on June 22 at Purana Bazaar.
The State Department of Employment, Skill Development and Entrepreneurship and the National Career Service Centre for Differently Abled (NCSC-DA), Dimapur organised a drawing competition exclusively for Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) at Deaf Biblical Mi
Without dedicated funds but with a lot of dedication of all concerned, the district writes a new chapter book by book, opening up six new libraries and new vistas for village students aiming to clear competitive examinations
The National Career Service Centre (NCSC) for SC/ST, Guwahati, is organizing six free training programmes for SC/ST job-seekers registered on the Employment Exchange,