Colombia wants to be at the forefront in care policies with a pioneering system. This is stated by Natalia Moreno, manager of the National Care System, a subdivision of the newly created Ministry of Equality, in an interview with EFE.
By Jorge G. Castañeda and Carlos OminamiNEW YORK Recent years have not been good ones for democracy in Latin America. Despite being home to just 8.4 per cent of the world’s population, the region accounted for 26 per cent of total COVID-19 deaths (as of last December), and in 2020, it experienced a fall in GDP twice as steep as the global average, with tens of millions of
By Jorge G Castañeda and Carlos Ominami ( ), NEW YORK – The best way to safeguard democracy in Latin America is to build strong welfare states. But since this is a medium- to long-term project, meeting the short-term threat of authoritarian populism will require more immediate solutions.
By Jorge G. Castañeda and Carlos OminamiNEW YORK Recent years have not been good ones for democracy in Latin America. Despite being home to just 8.4 per cent of the world’s population, the region accounted for 26 per cent of total COVID-19 deaths (as of last December), and in 2020, it experienced a fall in GDP twice as steep as the global average, with tens of millions of