"To fight cancer as we know it, we must continue to work together," said Mayor Karen Goh as she dedicated the month of February to cancer awareness and prevention.
When last did you have your regular cancer screening checks done? If you missed these over the past two years, or even before that, now’s the time to get back on track. Keeping up with our scheduled checks is the only way to catch cancer early on and give ourselves a chance at the best poss.
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81% of men diagnosed with prostate cancer die
Stephen Wamai, prostate cancer survivor The first day it happened, I was a bundle of nerves. It was at 10 o’clock in the night and I was having a hard time passing urine. I had never had any health problems. This worried me and the next day, I made my way to the local dispensary. But they could not attend to me so they referred me to Lucy Kibaki Hospital where a catheter was installed to help drain the urine. While here, they also did an MRI to get a detailed picture of what was going on. So they got the images of the prostate and another procedure to get some samples (biopsy)was done. Two weeks later, tests revealed that I had prostate cancer. I was very worried because I did not expect it would be that serious. They said that it was prostate cancer stage 1. I was worried that this would mean that my healthy days were over and now I would be in and out of the hospital. I was booked for surgery at the Ken
Letters to the Editor Thursday, Feb. 4 | The Daily Gazette
The biggest game of the year is right around the corner, the Super Bowl.
We’ve been watching and hearing about it on the news, sports stations, reading about it in the newspapers and talking about it at work or school. It’s impossible to escape the buzz around the “big game.”
The Super Bowl is also one of the biggest betting events of the year.
From workplace environments betting on squares, to a host of online bets and fantasy leagues, people can literally bet on every aspect of the game.