Vulnerable youth from being recruited into gang life and in the next year they are searching for more ways to expand their experts change the live of more people and please give a special welcome to our very own heros San Francisco Police Officers john coffee and david sans. Thank you things going to be short and sweet and but i like too thank my hair cannot be that white. I like to thank all my interfere and is especially gregg surfor allowing us do what we do is special thank to supervisor camp poe and is his assistants for always being there for us and i know the mayor left but if there is anything in this room that can get they two minutes of his time, i know i can get this city to be a safer place for awful us. With the help of my partner. And then in closing ill like to say there is a lot of beautiful hearts here and there were some big ones on the way in and none of them came as whole with the love that i have for my if girlfriend. Plast. That was short. I thought i was going to
Allowing him to mend his relationship with his family and they have set their sight on creating additional gang prefix programs and currently they are working to develop a program diabetes designed to keep vulnerable youth from being recruited into gang life and in the next year they are searching for more ways to expand their experts change the live of more people and please give a special welcome to our very own heros San Francisco Police Officers john coffee and david sans. Thank you things going to be short and sweet and but i like too thank my hair cannot be that white. I like to thank all my interfere and is especially gregg surfor allowing us do what we do is special thank to supervisor camp poe and is his assistants for always being there for us and i know the mayor left but if there is anything in this room that can get they two minutes of his time, i know i can get this city to be a safer place for awful us. With the help of my partner. And then in closing ill like to say the
Time, i know i can get this city to be a safer place for awful us. With the help of my partner. And then in closing ill like to say there is a lot of beautiful hearts here and there were some big ones on the way in and none of them came as whole with the love that i have for my if girlfriend. Plast. That was short. I thought i was going to stand there for an hour. First i would just like to thank every everyone for their support and this idea that has become so much more with their help and captains col rails and most zero and our sergeant and supervisor kayser camp poe and is his staff and micro, my family, whos here today, my dad, thank you for everything. applause out on the street we face many different challenges in Law Enforcement i truly enjoy working until the city of San Francisco that i was born in and somebody once said absorb what is useful discard what is not and with intentions we have taken approach to help average gangs members toss teach them to may be better choice ch
For more ways to expand their experts change the live of more people and please give a special welcome to our very own heros San Francisco Police Officers john coffee and david sans. Thank you things going to be short and sweet and but i like too thank my hair cannot be that white. I like to thank all my interfere and is especially gregg surfor allowing us do what we do is special thank to supervisor camp poe and is his assistants for always being there for us and i know the mayor left but if there is anything in this room that can get they two minutes of his time, i know i can get this city to be a safer place for awful us. With the help of my partner. And then in closing ill like to say there is a lot of beautiful hearts here and there were some big ones on the way in and none of them came as whole with the love that i have for my if girlfriend. Plast. That was short. I thought i was going to stand there for an hour. First i would just like to thank every everyone for their support a
Today, display incomparable dedication to improving the Mission Neighborhood by helping former gang members and vulnerable use get on the right track. After nearly seven years on the police force San Francisco Police Officers john coffee and david sans Mission State and is Gang Enforcement officers became frustrated by the cycle of violence they witnessed permeated in the gang culture of San Francisco. The officers developed an Outreach Program in 2010 to help secure jobs for young men in an effort to chem then from participating in gang life. So now, im going to tell you a story that will relate to me that shows the special kind of individuals im talk about and how they helped a young man named carlos. The officers have seen carlos hanging out with gang members and suspected that he might be involved in a elicit activities around the Mission Areas after warning him that he was headed down the wrong path carlos was arrested is six months later when he was relevancy released from jail,