Asmara, 21 November 2022- The Chairman of the National Association of Eritrean War Disabled Veterans, Mr. Gebrebrhan Eyasu passed away on 19 November at the age of 76.Veteran freedom fighter Gebrebrhan Eyasu who joined the EPLF in 1975 served his cou
Download logoThe Chairman of the National Association of Eritrean War Disabled Veterans, Mr. Gebrebrhan Eyasu passed away on 19 November at the age of 76.
Asmara, 09 November 2022- At a meeting conducted on 29 October in Uppsala, the Sweden branch of the National Association of Eritrean War Disabled Veterans expressed readiness to support projects that are initiated by the national association.The obje
Keren, 20 October 2022- The National Association of Eritrean War Disabled Veterans branch in Anseba Region organized meetings with war disabled veterans in all sub-zones of the region from 4 to 15 October focusing on strengthening organization as wel