Guilty! Yes, that’s me. I am at fault. Mea culpa. Maxima me culpa! I have violated the intellectual property rights (IPR) by buying DVDs, the videos of movies that I missed watching on the big screen, through whispering.
Oh, don’t tell me you’re not guilty as well. One time or another, most of us
Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, February 3) Naty Crame-Rogers, one of the pioneers of Philippine theater, died on Monday night. The matriarch of my family took her final bow, said Bam Bam Tiongson, the grandson of the 98-year old theater actress and educator, in his Facebook post. He did not state Rogers cause of death
Singer Sweet Plantado-Tiongson, Rogers granddaughter-in-law, posted the theater legend s deteriorating health condition hours before she died. Sad to say that she s nearing departure. Lungs, kidneys no more. Heart getting tired. She s on breathing machine. Palliative care is only thing we can do, Plantado said in her post.