/PRNewswire/ Metaverse Blockchain company Coinllectibles™️, a fully owned subsidiary of Cosmos Group Holdings Inc. (OTC: COSG), is pleased to announce that.
Hand in Hand ‘New Landscape’ series 4, 2017
Umi also highlights two mixed media works on watercolour paper, entitled
Hand in Hand ‘New Landscape’ Series 4 and
Hand in Hand New Landscape’ Series 5, which were exhibited at the Art Seasons Gallery in Singapore, 2017
. These works portray the subconscious as a woman/mother with the daily routines of motherhood we subconsciously follow each day. It describes a day in the life as a mother. It featured a group of women who have been visually portrayed in a combination of classical and modern times, and they are surrounded by various things in their surroundings; the business of life that struggles between responsibilities, self-interest and career.