area who want to make a complaint about the care they have received in a public
support to people making a formal complaint about their care in a Health Service Executive
(HSE) funded public acute hospital.
People in the Donegal area looking for support can contact the Patient Advocacy Service
confidential helpline on 0818 293003 to speak to a trained advocate who will help them to
get information on the HSE’s complaints investigation process, called ‘Your Service, Your
Say’ .
making the complaint, with the aim of highlighting their views and concerns.
The advocate will explain to the person how to write a formal complaint and what to include in it. They will also help the person prepare for meetings with the HSE about their
Mental Health Commission to hold public consultation on seclusion and restraint
The commission s latest report shows 6,747 episodes were reported to it last year
1,796 people were secluded and/or restrained in facilities last year, with 5,029 episodes of physical restraint involving 1,143 people physically restrained.
Fri, 18 Dec, 2020 - 00:00
Noel Baker, Social Affairs Correspondent
The Mental Health Commission said it would hold a public consultation on the use of restrictive practices, such as seclusion and restraint, after its latest report shows 6,747 episodes were reported to it last year.
The figure represents a slight decrease on the figure for 2018, but the MHC has consistently said restrictive practices should only be applied in very limited and exceptional circumstances.