To look at this political and landscaping where the conservatives were certainly hoping to make quite a few gains. And in areas where labor has traditionally been pretty strong. Lots of these seats have a lot of rich labor heritage. So im going to go across to the result center and joined rita once again. Shes got a few suggestions again about the likely conservative gains in wales. Rita . These will change hands from labors to conservatives if the exit poll is correct. And you are talking about being nerdy hugh, just think of this. That labor has come first in terms of seats in the votes in wales in the past 26 elections. That since the first world war. That might still be the case, but still we think these seats are likely conservative gains. The labor majority there was less than 2,000 in the last election. And wherefore casting conservatives to gain that seat from labor. This was number 73 on the conservatives target list, so quite some way down. We think the conservatives might ha
Witnesses. Today the committee will hear from witnesses about the challenges that state stanksed businesses in the cannabis owners have when attempting to under the controlled substance act, its considered a schedule one drug. Being categorized as a schedule one means that the possession, distribution or sale of marijuana or other marijuana derived products is illegal under federal law and any proceeds from cannabis related activities remain subject to antiMoney Laundering laws. In the last several years many states have used valid initiatives or referendums that have legalized marijuana in some form, whether for recreational or medical use. Currently there are 11 states plus the district of columbia where it is legal to buy and consume recreational and medical marijuana adds well. And there are 22 states plus d. C. That have approvedmedcal marijuana totaling 33 states in all that have some form of Legal Marijuana. Senators gardner and merkley have introduced Bipartisan Legislation tha
Four centuries what might happen there. While we would never want to accuse either harvard or the university of michigan of theft it is an indisputable fact this upsurge in good fortune was ours before it was theirs. Phil deloria received his bachelors degree from the university of colorado in 1982. Wanting to observe and understand humanity from many different angles, he then taught band at A Denver Metro high school. Having observed High School Music performance to satisfaction he returned to cu for journalism and mass communication. Thats when we remembered what to call the program before it became an acronym that is it different every time i say it. One of the most gracious acts of kindness to me, phil took my western American History course, which i believe then was called the early year, the not so early american frontier as part of his journalism program. In that course students were required to write about an adventure they experienced. It launched me on a western add ven tutur
Marijuana derived products is illegal under federal law. Theyre subject to antiMoney Laundering laws such as the Money Laundering control act. The last several years many states used Ballot Initiatives or referendums that legalized marijuana in some form whether for recreational or medical use. Currently there are 11 states plus the district of colombia where it is legal to buy and consume Recreational Marijuana and medical marijuana as well. And there are 22 states plus d. C. That have approved medical marijuana totaling 33 states in all that have some form of Legal Marijuana. The senators introduced Bipartisan Legislation that attempts to ease difficulties resulting from the legal status and more lenient state laws. I spoke many times with senator gardiner on this bill and appreciate the hard work that each senator has done on this legislation. And i look forward to hearing from each of you very soon. Our second panel of witnesses will highlight challenges that institutions face in b
Philip j deloria departed and settled into his role as professor of history, the first one who is a native american at harvard, it only took a few centuries, just think the next four centuries will do. So we never want to accuse harvard or the university of michigan theft, there is an indisputable fact that the upsurge in good fortune was hours before he was there, is he received his bachelors in music ocean in 1982, wanting to preserve and understand humanity from many different angles see that top band at a high school, having observed who do you think to satisfaction it he just returned for an animated communication, though is back and you can remember what you call that before i became an accurate that comes out different every time i try to see it, so are one of their most gracious act of kindness he took my western American History course which i believe is called, the not so early american frontier as part of his journalism program, in that course the first assignment require st