manhattan d.a. alvin bragg taking legal action agains republican jim jordan, and president biden s latest comments on his plans for 2024 let s take a look at some of the week s top stories the manhattan district attorne leading the prosecution of donald trump is now suing a to house republican alvin bragg filed the lawsui against judiciary committe chairman jim jordan yesterda in response to what bragg call a brazen and unconstitutiona attack by members of congres on an ongoing criminal prosecution. bragg has come under increased scrutiny to put it mildly by the ohio republican since it became lightly that the former president would be charged i new york city. calling on the game solved t testify before congress, jorda issued a subpoena last week, ordering a former prosecutor i the case to appear before th judiciary committee. in the new lawsuit, the de asked a court to block tha subpoena, arguing that it coul cause irreparable harm to th case if certain secret materia is dis
republicans pop hypocrisy. certainly republicans used t say, whenever possible, we tak a power man in authority t states, local governments, t the people what power is not specifically in the federal government, the constitutional reserve in th state of the people, right here you have a republican party that uses, first of al if you look at rhonda stances, uses his power to go after baseball teams, to go afte mickey mouse, to go afte cruise lines, to tell smal businesses what they can and can t do the after school librarians, t go after teachers, to go after local school districts, and it is the opposite. it is cz local power consolidated and state government here, you have these guys wh are no probably went aroun when the first time campaignin saying, let s get the power ou of washington and get down t the people
to get inside brags office and bragg s thinking not only on that criminal case that was not brought, but th one that was just brought in the last couple of weeks dealing with their issue relaying to trump in those payments to stormy daniels i another woman. and so republicans hope that mark prominence is the way int this investigation and hop they take a knock down here in washington, d.c. and see if he can halt th subpoena but i don t - i think is going to be a uphill battle for bragg. josh, it looks like republicans are going to loo back and say that paul morantz has also written a book. like how can you stop him from testifying when people o already read what he has t say. right, that s the trickiest part of that, given that h wrote the book, it s hard fo him to take the position that can t say one word to you no
ron desantis signed a six-week abortion ban into law. he did that last night in a move that may underscor just how controversial the bil is, desantis announced the decision with a tweet just after 11 pm, hours after the ban was approved by th republican-controlled stat legislature. just two out of 28 republicans in the florida senate vote against the bill, which does make exceptions for pregnancie involving rape or incest u until 15 weeks those exceptions, however, wil only be allowed if a woman has documentation like a restraining order or a polic report the bill does not change current exemptions for the lif and health of the mother, stil though up to 15 weeks. the new law will only take effect with the states current 15-week ban is upheld. that ban, which desantis signe into law last year, is the
desantis, number two in th presidential primary pushing forward with a more extreme ban. and joe, if ron desanti does one for president, if h does somehow find his way to the nomination, good luc pivoting to the general afte this a six-week abortion ban, which is something like a 15 position nationally, but let s look at the state of florida and how it is changed even since you were in congress there. what do you make of th six-week ban now in your hom state? well it is going to be problem for ron desantis lik you said or any republican tha gets behind this in a genera election we have seen this time and tim again. the republicans know what th politics are for a abortion ba in a general election an republicans apparently don t care it s a florida is one of the states again, we always thin of it as a republican state, and we have always thought o it as a republican state, an then barack obama winds it