A foreign lead er soft take the dozen white house officials and the people around pompeo that knew about it, the people around bar that knew about this, the people around the white house that knew about this. The people around zolinski that knew about this. Suddenly this little conspiracy expands. And it is something that cannot be contained and barr knows he is on the hot seat now. He can play it cool if he wants to, but a 30,000 Christmas Party at the trump appropriate is not going to protect him, zolinski will have to explain this as well. The you trainians are saying we knew if we didnt play ball that we were not going to get military equipment. This is something that the white house cannot tamp down. The one thing they find intriguing here is the electronic tape of the conversation used to get this transcript was to they destroyed the transcription. Do we have somewhere is there somewhere in president ial recordings this recording of this conversation because i think in the end th
the president is already well into impeachment territory by elevating his personal political interests above the nation nal interests of the united states. i m sure that most foreign leaders have an immediate request of why am i talking giu? and she sending the message that the president at a personal level wants this thing, he wants this frsh against his political opponents. i think the quid pro quos are clear. let s not lose sight of the fact that the offense against the constitution and the of of the presidency is the exercise of
transcript being placed in that national security council. it you read through the apen diction it says according to white house officials that i spoke with, this was not the first time under the administration a presidential transcript was placed into this code word level system solely for the purpose of protecting politically sensitive rather than in nation nal security sensiti sensitive information. we have a lot of detail with what they left us, the transcript that we re using, but if we get a actual recording of the president of the united states, because the wall street journal said there was like eight times he asked for help with biden. the notes we got yesterday were not a half hour of conversation. there is a lot of, and by the way by reading this report, of
military officer to answer your questions honestly with regards to the president s words and actions. i ll not competent, and you don t have me to here comment on the president s character. i want to ask you about something we learned from the white house overnight. sarah sanders pushed releasing this information coming forward with revoking the security clearances on wednesday because of all of the coverage this week of the omarosa reportings, including the president s responses like when he called her a dog. sarah sanders says why not do it now to overwhelm the news. how does it strike you and make you feel as someone that worked your life in nation nal service
some of the members tried to drill down. he said i have seen enough. we have twin hearings going on the new director of intelligence is testifying today and we have just confirmed that president trump in march petitioned the new director of intelligence, and nation nal security agency michael rodgers to try to debunk the claims of collusion, and trying to tamp down reports, perhaps slow down the investigation. he would not confirm or deny today, let s play a little bit of that. if you get called in front of the negligence committee, will you share your findings?