Generals from the union side and governor Zebulun Vance from the confederate side together in this room, and governor vance surrendered the state of North Carolina in this room. Morehead passed away in 1866 shortly after the surrender. By the time the surrender came along, he was not in the best of health so he was not a participant in the reconstruction of North Carolina during the confederate period. I see governor morehead as someone who is really struggling with the world in which he lived. He lived in a world that included slavery that included a situation where women were not allowed to own property, were not allowed to vote. The state was in a situation where people could grow wonderful crops. They could make wonderful things, but they didnt have a market. I think he was frustrated that the rings were true these ends were true. He began to establish a system that would change that. I think what he started, he was taking a first step, and i think he would be incredibly pleased to