scores. reporter: according to the court files obtained by fox 5, judges were still sending suspected drunk drivers to jail for five, 10, and 15 days, as late as three weeks after robert hilden said his office lost faith in the reliability of the scores. in every case we viewed, the defendant plead guilty based on the scores contained in the record. a requirement affirmed by lil hilden at this week s hearing. it s been sustained through the scores. reporter: the deputy attorney general testifying under oath told the committee that his office reacted immediately when they first found out that there were problems with the machines in february of last year. i can tell you that the moment someone came to me and said we think there is a problem, i said shut it down. stop introducing the scores. and that was apparently lifted after the d.c. police began using a new machine called the intoxy meter last year and machines problem attic in august. but no one told the defens