Video of Intergalactic | Official Trailer | A Peacock Original
Intergalactic follows Ash Harper (Savannah Steyn), a young cop and pilot who is wrongly convicted of a treasonous crime and sent to prison. The trailer reveals said prison ship, which has a
Guardians of the Galaxy-esque vibe. A crew of prisoners, led by Tula Quik (Sharon Duncan-Brewster), take over the ship and (unlike
Guardians) kill the pilot. With no one else to fly the ship, however, Tula recruits” Ash to fly them across the galaxy to Arcadia, where they’ll all be free.
Now Ash must stay alive with the other escaped convicts, and maybe clear her name? She says she’s working undercover in the trailer, after all, so perhaps she’s hoping to get her law-abiding career back by surviving and turning in her fellow escapees. The rest of the trailer features Ash throwing punches like the best of them, some explosions, and lots of fighting, so it’s a safe bet to say that things don’t go smoothly for the pris