People wearing orange shirts are expected to flood Boulevard Lake this Saturday, on National Truth and Reconciliation Day for the second annual Honouring Our Children Run.
Dilico Anishinabek Family Care and Mazinaajim Children’s Foundation are teaming up once again for the Honouring Our Children Run at Boulevard Lake on Saturday.
Dr Diane Bannon and home and community care manager Michelle Elliot. (submitted photo)
THUNDER BAY – Dilico Anishnabek Family Care has hit a vaccine milestone, handing out its 10,000th COVID-19 shot.
“I am really proud of the hard work our Health department has done in supporting First Nation Communities. We have an outstanding team of accredited professionals that have provided thorough advocacy, ensured clinic logistics run smoothly, and directly provided the vaccinations,” said executive director Darcia Borg, in a release issued on Thursday.
Additionally, all First Nation’s within Dilico’s jurisdictions have received first doses of the vaccine, though work continues, in conjunction with both the Northwest Health Unit and the Thunder Bay District Health Unit to ensure as many Indigenous persons as possible are vaccinated.