More than 100 people came Saturday to the second night of a grant-funded three-day immersive, interactive art experience called Last Earth, created by Jen Fletcher of the Greater Good Collective,
The Policeman's Daughter (Season 2 Episode 3 of 10): Fisher gives Henry an awkward assignment. Pie in the Sky airs on Drama at 2:00 PM, Thursday 18 April. Fisher gives Henry an awkward assignment
All 155 guests are accounted for according to New Hampshire fire officials. The investigation to determine the cause and origin of the fire is ongoing.
Unless the person involved is very holy indeed, there is always a degree of self-aggrandizement in sainthood. Chris Newby's "Anchoress," a film set in the Middle Ages, plays slyly with that notion in its story of a young woman who chooses to be walled up for the rest of her life. As she sets the last stone of her tomb into place and fixes it with mortar, there is a smile of perfect happiness upon her face, and although it might be sanctity, it is also the look of a teenager who has, at last, gotten out from under the thumbs of her parents.