Beside exceeding the bounds of her position, and beside interfering in the democratically-run internal affairs of a post-secondary institution, and beside capitulating to the demands of an external propaganda group, NDP MLA Selina Robinson revealed both abysmal ignorance and a fundamentally racist and colonial conception of an oppressed people.
The Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC says it stands with a Langara College committee's assessment that calling the Oct. 7, 2023 Hamas attack against civilians "brilliant" and "amazing" as one instructor did is not hate speech.
The firing of a Vancouver college instructor who praised last October s attack on Israel is being challenged by her union, which has also accused a B.C. minister of "inappropriately" intervening in the school s disciplinary process.
B.C.'s minister of post-secondary education is facing mounting pressure to resign over her comments related to the conflict between Israel and Gaza, including a recent remark about Israel that experts say perpetuates harmful colonial narratives that ignore the history of Palestinian people in the region.
The Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC says it stands with a Langara College committee's assessment that calling the Oct. 7, 2023 Hamas attack against civilians "brilliant" and "amazing" as one instructor did is not hate speech.