The Hankyoreh reached out to five Ukrainians it met while reporting on the ground in Kyiv, Lviv and the country’s border with Poland after the outbreak of war to see how their perceptions have changed as the war passes the two-year mark
Many parents strive to go above and beyond for their children on their birthdays and go all out with the decorations, the activities, and the food. All of this is done out of love and in
CABI joined an international team of researchers from 57 institutions around the world to share its expertise in a ground-breaking study which highlights the urgent need to protect the world’s forests from non-native pests amid climate change.
Kramatorsk, Ukraine - Viktoria Miroshnichenko has just reopened her toy store in Kramatorsk, a city near the front line in eastern Ukraine, despite the
Viktoria Miroshnichenko has just reopened her toy store in Kramatorsk, a city near the front line in eastern Ukraine, despite the daily sound of bombing roaring in the distance. "It's a bit scary but we're getting used to it," she said from behind the counter of a shop selling soft toys, bicycles and scooters for…