earth. i m wolf blitzer. you re in the situation room. mitt romney is using ads, web videos, speeches to hammer away at president obama on welfare. romney is taking a lot of heat though over his claims about the administration s policies, but with support from an unlikely ally he s raising the stakes today. here s our national political correspondent jim acosta. reporter: wolf, mitt romney is not backing away from his accusation that president obama is trying to make it easier for the poor to receive welfare checks and to help make his case he s getting some help from an old rival. they just send you your welfare check. reporter: even though his ad accusing the president of weakening work requirements for welfare recipients got a pants on fire from politifact and four pinocchios from the washington post, mitt romney is doubling down on the claim. this is to help people go to work so they can stop drawing a welfare check and start drawing a paycheck. reporter: