Changes. From year to year, musicians, students of the yakub kolas college, future teachers, receive their profession here for three years. Large stages, including international ones, are played by guys on canteens and even in agricultural tools, for example, the artists turned the nonmelodic knocking and noise of wooden spoons and abacus into music and perform solos to the accompaniment of a boyan, a bass guitar, a balalaika and a flute by alexandra agoiten. I would like to join the team, but the ensemble is exclusively guys. The youths came from the colleges, and yakub kolas of victory and not the shakans discovered the musical and artistic for themselves for three years. Being mentors, they open up a profession here and one, i will especially punish you the likiya scene with the tired liku, the International Peoples bridge and the yagul physical under the ringtok hujatil so for their the creativity of the warehouse on hands and elements and the table from the victorious ones reveale
Hawaii, the kilohe volcano erupted under the show, the other largest on the yon islands threw out molten lava in the National Park on great east, a populated area along the kol , without threatening anything, the volcano was active from usemyan, zverosnya, 21 years ago, perhaps in 2018 the plunge drilled for more than 700 houses. High waters occurred, the african cape town report reached land, but the shores were torn down by the almighty praises, the water came up, and even the crumbling houses were pouring and stormy streams poured into the streets of the city , the great ones were flooded, the surfaces of the bottle were fresh. Several cars took off in the ocean. The crash on the roads was paralyzed, the beaches were closed all over the mountain i inform you that the groom threw pashka in 903 in zhanshin, one person suffered. Near the City District of liu jo, near the chinese province of guangxi, the milenberg grass has started to grow, and mora has spread over an area of thou