Ken Cleveland
Item Correspondent
The Nashoba Wolves took on the Marlboro Panthers just days after the Nashoba Regional High School’s new mascot was approved by the Regional School Committee.
With a 14-7 win, the local football team (still wearing the name Chieftain) prevailed, just as the Wolves prevailed over the Golden Bears to become the new mascot.
Athletic Director Tania Rich told committee members at the April 7 meeting, before the vote, that the Wolves won 84 percent of the vote against the Golden Bears in the over 2,000 responses used before the mascot committee recommended the Wolves as the new mascot.
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Courtesy of Brooke Clenchy
Nashoba Regional School District superintendent
The Nashoba Regional School District School Committee has voted unanimously to approve “Nashoba Wolves” as the new Nashoba High School mascot and team name, according to a press release from District Superintendent Brooke Clenchy.
The vote April 7 followed a thoughtful, collaborative process to explore mascot ideas from the broader school community and to retire the Chieftains nickname. The process was guided by a Mascot Committee composed of administrators, teachers, coaches, alumni, and high school students.
“This collaborative process has been just one example of how teamwork is at the heart of everything we do in the district,” Clenchy stated in the release. “It’s fitting that our community has chosen Wolves – whose packs are known for their teamwork as well as their individual strengths – as the new symbol of Nashoba Regional High School.”