and rooting for your teams? can you work together better? democrats and republicans, people outside of washington look at this town and say, nothing s getting done in a bipartisan way? the answer is always yes to that. by the way, there is a lot we do do together. we just passed landmark veterans legislation last week. we worked together on the funding bill for government to help the military. most of what why actually pass is bipartisan, it s the stuff that s not that s controversial that gets all the press attention. there are so many things we do on a weekly basis that is bipartisan. what s newsworthy is what is controversial. unfortunately the appropriations committee and intelligence committee and those committees are notoriously nonpartisan. left to their own devices they can get their jobs done in a bipartisan way.
a month. we will be back here from nationals park in washington with this very special game in just a couple of moments. [vo] what made secretariat the greatest racehorse who ever lived? of course he was strong. .intelligent. .explosive. but the true secret to his perfection. was a heart, twice the size of an average horse.
this just with a look of the quiet, but hearing those songs here yeah. as americans, which we all are was a very special thing. i ve been here many times for nationals games with my kids and it is yeah, you don t it s like a lot of things you take for granted until you don t. you know, and i think again i sometimes wish that we could bottle moments like this and send them around to everyone who hates washington, who hates politics, who hates the media. at the end of the day, we re 99.9% similar and .01% different. moments like this remind you of our similarities. i believe that s joe torre. that s joe torre. with mlb, former yankees manager. congressman, did you see who it was who went out before
of the alexandra fire, police, and rescue. in washington we have our disagreements, but we all agree that we are here to serve this nation we love and the people who call it home. that s the source of unity. more than ever, we must embrace it so that on this special night, i leave you with three great american words that for generations have torn down barriers, built grijs of unity and have defied both all those who hinder us, ladies and gentlemen, let s play ball! and that, congressman, is exactly what you would want to hear from the president of the united states. that s uplifting emotional message of leadership. i think he hit it perfectly. i think we re going to have fun tonight. i do believe republicans are
they have to look at everything and focus in on what is potentially criminal and what is not. yeah. all right. well, congratulations sorry on that incredible reporting. we are live at nashlgs park in washington, d.c. democrats he house speaker, paul ryan and nancy pelosi there smiling together. they re now with jake tapper for their first ever joint interview. jake. erin, thanks so much. i m sitting here with speaker of the house, paul ryan, republican of wisconsin and house minority leader, nancy pelosi of california. if you re wondering about their outfits, the louisiana insignias are in honor of steve scalise still in the hospital and paul ryan is wearing a capitol police shirt. the first ever joint interview.