A female student died in a road accident in Maharashtra's Nagpur on Tuesday. The incident occurred at Nagpur's Bharatnagar Chowk. The entire incident was captured in CCTV footage. It can be seen in the CCTV footage that a car coming from the front first hit the girl riding a scooter and then dragged her to a distance of a few kilometres., India News, Times Now
In a devastating incident that occurred on Tuesday morning, a collision between a black-yellow passenger jeep and a container truck at the Padga-Khadavli turn in the Thane district on the Mumbai-Nashik Highway resulted in six fatalities and left three individuals seriously injured., Mumbai News, Times Now
As you can see from the title of the post, we just completed a long-awaited road trip to the east. The trip to Sikkim was planned as a birding tour from Gangtok. On a whim, we just added the driving