IBEX Limited (NASDAQ:IBEX – Get Rating) was the recipient of a large growth in short interest in April. As of April 30th, there was short interest totalling 71,600 shares, a growth of 14.0% from the April 15th total of 62,800 shares. Based on an average trading volume of 115,900 shares, the short-interest ratio is presently […]
IBEX (NASDAQ:IBEX – Get Rating) is scheduled to release its earnings data after the market closes on Wednesday, May 17th. Analysts expect IBEX to post earnings of $0.30 per share for the quarter. Persons that wish to listen to the company’s earnings conference call can do so using this link. IBEX (NASDAQ:IBEX – Get Rating) […]
WASHINGTON, May 09, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) ibex (NASDAQ: IBEX), a leading global provider of business process outsourcing (BPO) and customer engagement.